Last night Cynthia(new room mate) and I rearranged the living room. Our goal was to make it more cozy and get the TV out of the fireplace so we can make fires this winter, for ambiance, not heat. I am sooo excited for how it turned out that I have to share pictures.

If you have never been to my house you do not yet know of my obsession with color coordination in each room of my house. I am a weirdo I know, but I love my house. I mean, look at it!
And last week I built a fireplace screen out of 2 old windows, which match the ones hanging in the picture window of my kitchen.

Entryway rearranged complete with my favorite record player and pink Xmas tree. You can see my Damask etched windows in the kitchen in the back ground, amazingness, I know.

Last week I spent 2 nights making Xmas cards, 3 if you count the one I spent cutting and printing my lino block for them. I am really happy with how they turned out, mostly I am happy to have spent time working on art again. Although it was a little lonely it gave me some thinking time, not sure it got me anywhere, but the cards are cool.

Well that is my exciting weekend of creativity and motivation. I am off to watch the Sandlot and wrap and work on presents. Peace out.
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