oh yea about the fishermen... pat is hell bent on me marrying this cute prawn boat fisherman so i will stay. he is cute and he does have good prawns but i like my boy friend a little and our plan to smuggle rukus in to auz with a poodle costume, may not work.
So the last few days...
Tuesday started at the trawler where "red", my future husband, sold us some big crabs and told us come back Friday for the big prawns. Then after an amazing breakfast, we went thrift shopping, a nice easy day. Found some good stuff, including some bondage wears, at a thrift store who had Jesus calendars on the counter, only in Australia i guess. We feasted on giant prawns and dipping sauce, all made by pat and yummy.
Wednesday we headed to the croc hunter zoo, always a fun time. I fed the kangaroos and fell in love with the otters. It is strange how much it takes out of you, I went to bed at 8pm.
Today my cousin Beau who lives here came to see me. We hung out on the beach and "pretended we knew each other", as he would say. It was really great, except my feet are sun burnt. Then me and Bear and Pat bbq'd sausages on the beach and watched the sunset. And now I am here uploading photos.
Not sure what tomorrow holds, I think the beach sounds good. Saturday we are going to the big art market and the giant pineapple. Then Sunday its back home for me :(
I am getting a bit homesick, I miss my boys and my girls, even miss working. The summer is looking good, I have had a lot of thinking time and worked through some things and made plans for others. Its going to be good getting home, working a week then going on vacation again for Ray's birthday...oh the life I have.

Click to see the last few days pictures...
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