Bedding: Cover I made to match the Deer pillow Sarah made me. Which then led to new sheets to match that....this is how I am, what can I say?!
Painted Suitcase by Anthony: On the back there are 2 little pen hearts drawn by whatever kid once owned this thrift store find. Anthony never liked this piece, so I figured taking it when he moved out was ok. I love it.
Pabst Sign: Another gift from my 27th birthday; this one from Ray. I love the gold and the font.
Tina Anderson art: The most I have ever spent on art, and I have never regretted buying it. I love the colors, the strokes, the feeling it give me when I look at it and wish I was her.
Type Box: Since I saw Sarah's filled with randomness, I wanted my own. It is full of little things, memories and inside jokes. I always think I will take things out and put new things in, but I never do. I can never decide what should come out.
Cameras: My first camera, a Miranda 35mm bought in high school and broke (yet to be fixed) in college. My Polaroid Land Camera which is one of my favorite cameras.
Mix Tape: Made for me when I as 19 or 20 by a boy friend. It was my first real hip hop music and I keep it around even though it no longer plays because I like the memory of it.
Photos: My low rider bike after it was put back together after its new paint job. One of my favorite days ever. My mom when she was a baby.
Art: A type/Polaroid piece I did about a year and a half ago when I found myself in a new, totally different relationship. It is one of my favorite things I have written.
Polaroids: Some of my favorite, most featured in my zines.
Button Box: When I was a kid in New Zealand, my grandma would let me play with her button box when I would visit. I would organize them by color, shape, ones I liked. I was OCD about order at an early age it turns out. She gave it to me a few years before she died. I still dig through it sometimes and picture sitting on her hallway floor. The way it smelt there, how the carpet felt.
Old photos: Here I have multiple pictures of my grandpa when he was young. Such classic photos.
Zines: My slowly growing zine collection. I don't have a ton but I love each one.
Tomato Jar: This was my grandma's. I remember where it sat in each of her houses. It now holds 2 rose picture nails that I have yet to use because they must hold the most perfect picture frames and I have not found such to suit yet.
More Cameras: 2 more Polaroid cameras. I seem to collect them. But I do use each one so that makes it a healthy habit.
Old Reader's Digest Books: Anthony was using them for art at one point so we started collecting them. I just love the colors and the type so I keep them in different places in the house.
More Poppa Pictures: One of him in the army. This same picture always sat, framed, on top my grandparents TV. And one of him as a kid in a gold frame.
Polaroids by Sarah: She sent me these photos of the farm she live on in Oregon. Now that she lives in the same town as me, I put more value on the things she use to send when she did not.
Wooden Mushroom Magnet: This was also my Nana's. It sat on here fridge back in NZ. It always caught my eye when I was younger.
Well, I hope you enjoyed room one. More to come, slowly.
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