B - Bikes, I am in a bicycle gang with my girlfriends. I also have done this local 24 hour bike race/scavenger hunt the last 2 years. This year we got about 7th place out of almost 40 teams.

C - craft, i am a fan of crafting, combining craft with art.
D -Diana F+ camera, my newest camera, modeled after a toy camera in the 70s, it takes great photos, even though I still haven't figured it out completely yet, I still love working with it.

E - Ephemera, I love collecting scraps and bits.
F - Fate, I have decided all things happen how they are going to and you can't do anything to change that. So I like to roll with the punches.
G - Gutry, my last name, a Maori name. I was born in New Zealand and have a small amount of Maori blood.
I - Instant film, I love my polaroid cameras, all of them. I went to school for photography and now mostly use just instant film.

J -Junk, I like to collect things, some say "junk", I say treasures!
K - Keitzke, my new long haired Chi Chi pup. I hit her when she ran into the middle of the road and then adopted her after no one claimed her at the pound.
L - Letters, I love receiving and writing letters.
M - Mixtapes, I like to make mixtapes, I have been working on an A-Z themed mixtape collection for the last few years. Each has a different theme and I only make about 10 for my closest friends.
N -Nevada, Reno, Nevada, I love living here.
O - Orange, and Lime, one of my favorite color combinations. My room is decorated in those colors around 2 ceramic orange Siamese cats that were my grandmothers.
P - Piano, I am learning to play, and I am so in love with it. The most beautiful thing.
Q - Quitting, I am not a fan of it.
R - Rukus, my staffy terrier who I love more than anything. He has been the one constant in my life over the last 8 years when everything else has changed.

S - Small Brown Bike, my favorite band.
T - Typewriters, I have a little collection of them, ones that work and ones that don't.
U - Umbrellas, I am not a fan of actual umbrellas but I love the imagery. Mostly because we do not need them in Reno, we don't get much rain, but when we do I listen to records and lay on my floor.
V - Vintage, I love all things vintage. My house is decorated in a combination of vintage and Ikea.
W - Waihiki Island, the island in New Zealand I grew up on. It is the most beautiful place I have ever seen and I love visiting.
X -Xoxo, I just like how it looks.
Y - You, I just like the word "you" and "yours"
Z - Zine, I wrote my first this year, and it was nerve recking putting myself out there so much.