Friday, March 27, 2009

the sharp hint of new tears

i guess i am becoming that age when your friends start to get married, make babies and die.
although it seems like i have lost a friend almost every year since high school, i guess its nothing i become use to . and this time, i know it was for the best, well as best as death can be, but it is still hard.
i think i have always thought that you base your sadness level on tears cried, but what happens when they dry up? does that mean you don't care much, or that you have just become numb? i guess i need to stop believing that because i don't want to be numb.


"On the way home. This car hears my confessions. I think tonight I'll take the long way"
"The hint of these new tears are sharp. I try to choke them back. But it’s useless. I'm useless against them. They're beating me with ease

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